

Senior Copywriter



User Experience

Social Media

unu is a mobility company with the mission to create the best mobility solutions to connect people to their city. I initially joined as a freelancer but was quickly hired full-time.

I sat in the middle of UX and marketing, making the two disciplines work together and ensuring they remained consistent. I also developed and crafted unu’s tone of voice and ensured it remained human across all touch-points.


“What if” campaign

Anyone who’s used an electric scooter to commute in a city knows how much easier, faster and more affordable it is. But how do you get that across to people who haven’t? To introduce the new unu Scooter, we created an international campaign that highlights the scooter’s key benefits by making the viewer imagine how much better life could be. The “What if” slogan became the springboard for all our communication and we translated them into five key messages for each of unu’s four markets, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and France.

100 years of Bauhaus

2019 was the year of the Bauhaus. With unu having an ideology very similar to the German design school’s, we created a small campaign around the 100 year anniversary, highlighting the impact the Bauhaus ideology has had on our company and featuring a scooter tour of the top 11 Bauhaus buildings to be found in Berlin.


UX Copy: app & scooter display

With unu launching a new connected scooter in 2020, I developed the lead English copy for both the new app and the scooter display, which was then translated into German, French and Dutch.


Scooter colours

When the new unu Scooter was still in the development stage, I was tasked with defining the names of the seven colour variations.
